Get Set…

perfection - noun - an idyllic fictitious and uninvited state of being

Dear Soul Dive,

One week from TODAY our October schedule falls into place. The next 7 days are full of finishing touches, staging and saging the space, organizing our fresh mats, blocks, bolsters and props. You could say we are perfecting, getting dialed into every last detail. But I refuse to allow the notion of perfection into the conversation. We have made unimaginable progress and that is worth celebrating. Progress, not perfection. We are imperfect beings because we are human. Period. There is no room for perfect when we are constantly evolving and growing into deeper versions of ourselves. 

Our progress is laddering up to one thing: The Yoga. On Saturday, October 1, we will drop the yoga mats and start the practice. See it’s the practice that creates the progress. The practice allows our heels to ground, our fingers to fly and our bodies to expand. For every contraction there is release. From the release there is space. In the space there is growth. 

So we’re getting set… and while the literal paint dries, I want to share a few things that happened over the last 7 days…

Soul Dive Yoga | Construction on El Paseo Palm Desert | Best Yoga Studio | Coachella Valley | Greater Palm Springs

I received multiple emails that absolutely brought me to my knees. One woman offered to roll her sleeves up, do whatever it takes to be a part of the community, even clean the toilets. Another offered to spread the gospel, citing multiple avenues she’s shared the news of Soul Dive… concluding that while she doesn’t know me, what I’m putting out into the world has her singing. Mike (you all remember Mike, right?) offered his muscle to get us sorted out with some heavy lifting. Local artists have come forward offering their artwork to bring the space to life. 

What is happening? I’ll tell you what. When something is meant to be it simply is. There’s no pushing the rock up the proverbial hill or shoving a square peg into a round hole when things are showing up just as they should be. I’m not only grateful for the massive support and heartfelt embrace by the community, but I’m also grateful for the awareness that this is what it feels like when something is just right. While I’m working overtime to release the attachment, I’m hanging on to the feeling of being precisely where I should be. 

Have you felt that before? I thought I have many times. But the truth is until you are creating the thing that flows so effortlessly into life, I’m not sure we really get it. Well, I get it now and my cup runneth over in gratitude.

The highlights…

October 1 @ 10:30AM - Free flow for your soul! Join us THIS SATURDAY October 1 for Soul Dive’s inaugural round-robin style flow at 10:30am! Meet our founder, Alex, as well as Chelsea, Cheri and Leesann - all beautiful voices from our teaching team. Stay on your mat the whole time or hop in and out as you please. Come ready for a fun, freestyle flow for all levels as we break in the space together as a community. No registration is necessary for this one! 

October 3 kicks off our regular class schedule

October 5 - Soul Dive Yoga at Tap It Cycle for CYLCE + RESTORE @5:30pm

October 20-23 Equanimity Beneath the Surface with Alex + Maggie! Soul Dive’s FIRST Weekender! Early bird pricing is only available until September 30th!

200-Hour Teacher Training - A two-week immersion from January 20th to February 3rd, 2023. Teachers from three different studios are coming together to share their light and help yogis deepen their practice. If you are interested in joining us, please do not hesitate to reach out for more details!

Yoga Retreat | Yoga Meditation | Sound Bath | Healing | Immersion Best Yoga Studio | Palm Desert | Coachella Valley | Greater Palm Springs | Soul Dive Yoga

I have heard from so many of you - thank you! This is the final stretch… While it won’t be perfect, it will be a beautiful representation of what it looks like when something is precisely just as it should be. 

Get Ready… I will see you this Saturday!

Big love,

Alex Sabbag | Founder Best Yoga Studio | Palm Desert | Coachella Valley | Greater Palm Springs | Soul Dive Yoga

Full Circle


On Your Mark…