Yoga is like Pizza
Yoga is like Pizza
I’ll stand by this philosophy all day long: Yoga is like Pizza. Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty damn good! I can’t take full credit for the line, but I can say that I’ve known a simple truth for a while now. Even when I take a class that feels mediocre or annoys the living heck out of me, the Yoga is still hard at work, and it’s never bad. EVER.
Even when you’re experiencing a 20-something life coaching philosopher or the over sharing Warrior 2 story teller, the Yoga is still supporting you. Even if all of these happen in the same practice, the Yoga is still good. The Yoga always works because it’s giving you exactly what you need - each and every time you step on the mat. When you start to believe that you’re getting precisely what you need, making it to your mat becomes easier, the no brainer full body yes.
I can’t promise you won’t be annoyed by something that happens in class. I can promise you it’s happening for a reason. The mat is your mirror and it’s inviting you into a deeper dialogue between you and you. Drop the tude and trust you’ve arrived and just the right place and time - annoyances and all!
Just think about this… when someone asks you if you want pizza how quickly do you say yes? Most of the time we don’t think twice. Let’s make Yoga more like pizza. Let’s know that it’s always good, even if it’s not the best pie. And let’s get really honest. The pizza in Southern California is not going to change your life (if I’m wrong tell me where to go). But the Yoga, the Yoga in the western world was literally born here! So say yes. And then remember this: You can practice at Soul Dive and travel no more than 20 steps to get an amazing pizza across the street. How about them apples?
Whether it’s the pizza or the St. Patty’s Day celebrations that inspire you this week, make a point to get on your mat! We’ve got plenty to keep you moving and motivated, rested and recovered.
Big Love,