Make Like Elsa and Let it Go - Myofascial Release THIS Sunday!

Myofascial Release Best Yoga Studio | Palm Desert | Coachella Valley | Greater Palm Springs | Soul Dive Yoga
Myofascial Release Best Yoga Studio | Palm Desert | Coachella Valley | Greater Palm Springs | Soul Dive Yoga

Do you realize how much you know?

Are you willing to admit how much you’re carrying around that you don’t need and likely never wanted in the first place? I’ll tell you who knows. Your body knows, and your mind is likely working overtime to avoid admitting how much unnecessary extra weight you’re schlepping around.  

They say when you know, you know…Oh, how many times I thought I knew… but the truth is, I did know. My body knew what my mind wasn’t ready to hear... Time and again, the body sends signals to the brain that something isn’t right and the brain, being our most stubborn organ, often ignores them.  

The body is a miraculous thing (as if you need a reminder… I mean if you’re reading this you woke up this morning - no small feat). The body is designed to exist in optimal health, the way we were created is to heal on our own. The problem is we get in our way. We ignore the subtle hints that something might be off, or we refuse to confront something that makes us uncomfortable. The body invites us through, into the work and shines the light on the other side. The brain turns off the light and wants to keep us in the dark. The difference between knowing and ignoring. 


Our bodies know everything. Every single thing we have experienced in our entire existence lives in our bodies. The more we ignore the subtle hints, the greater the issue will manifest in our physical bodies over time. The body doesn't just reflect soreness or tightness after a long hike… the body can experience deep pain around grief, loss, divorce, depression, and even emotional trauma that we don’t remember or happened before we were able to walk. 

If we don’t release (or put down the heavy bags we aren’t meant to carry), the issues will persist. When we don’t listen to the subtle signs the body falls out of ease… ie we experience disease.

Myofascial Release

So here’s my invitation: step into the knowing. One of the most effective ways to release tension in the body is through myofascial release. Our bodies are held together by fascia, the connective layer of tissue that wraps around every organ in our body. 

The fascia holds the drama. This Sunday, make like Elsa and let it go. 

I’m leading our myofascial release workshop which is 90 minutes of working into the connective layers of tissue to offer release. Physical, emotional, and everything in between. Here’s the deal, you don’t need to know why your shoulders are tight or why your hips resemble a brick house. You just need to be willing to let go... Mental acceptance is all we’re going for. 

But, before you head over to the studio for the workshop be sure to stop by Athleta for their Mindful Moments Series. This Sunday, Soul Dive's lovely teacher and sound bath practitioner, Bella, will be there from 9 am to 11 am talking about the benefits of sound healing. Stop by for a listen and to expand your awareness around the sacred practice, then hop over to Soul Dive at 11:30 am to Release + Unwind with me.

I most recently experienced immense body pain around the time Matt passed away. I knew what it was, the grief, possibly some guilt. I also knew I didn’t want it. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live with physical pain. And while there are many ways to ease it, this Sunday’s offering is one I find particularly helpful for both our physical and emotional health. So let’s let it go… together. See you on your mat!

Love & Gratitude


PS… If at least 20 people register for this workshop I will give you a personal rendition of Let It Go… a performance only a select few have been (lucky?) to experience… Laughter is also one of the most cathartic ways to release!


GRACE… Soul Dive celebrates 6 months this Saturday


I've Got a Blank Space, Baby...