Let's Talk Discipline. Who needs a time-out?
I have been thinking a lot about discipline. What it means and how it shows up (or doesn’t) in our lives. I remember being in my late 20s and wondering if I had it. After all, I had been my own boss since I was 25 and had very little by way of accountability. As a test, I ran the Chicago marathon. I wasn’t out to break any records, simply survive. And survive I did! To date, it was one of my favorite days. It showed me what discipline means, and the experience ultimately made way to a regular yoga practice. Goes without saying, my yoga practice has validated and evolved my embodiment of what discipline means. Let’s dive in…
Discipline is not punishment.
It is not obligation. It is not force. Discipline is taking all of the tools you have around you and applying them. Discipline is staying in flow, in your practice. Discipline is consistently making a choice to do what keeps you tapped in and tuned up. Discipline is not pushing your body to unreasonable heights because you’re afraid of what might happen if you don’t.
Discipline is a Child’s Pose in the middle of a Vinyasa class. Discipline is weekly Yin and Yoga Nidra to balance the nervous system. Discipline is saying no when it serves and yes when it gives life. No matter what the choice!
Exercising discipline in our own lives is one of the biggest ways we can show love to others. How? Because it reduces our reaction because we have a greater presence in our own worlds.
Those who choose to resist discipline are choosing stagnation, they’re saying no to growth. There is no room at my table for that mindset. When someone chooses to opt out of discipline the ripple effect to those around them when chaos ensues has some pretty big casualties.
Discipline is what we do to remain in good standing - mind, body and soul. It is a time out. And let’s be really honest here, who wouldn’t LOVE a 20 minute session where we aren’t allowed to do anything else? Where do I sign? I’ll do you one better - how about a 75 minute practice on Saturday where your only job is to get on your mat and breathe?
Discipline is the biggest gift you can give yourself and those you love. Let’s reframe the conversation. Let’s step out of the rigidity and invite in equal parts strength and ease into our lives. Let’s remain disciplined because we choose love. Love to ourselves and love to those around you.
See you on the mat, friends…PS…this Saturday’s class is going to be extra special. Our friends from Wilson have a surprise and delight for you! Book your mat and don’t miss it!
Here is the playlist to get you ready to flow!
Big Love,