Blind Faith

blind faith, verb, believing without seeing

I have one question, Soul Dive Family… Are you a believer?

Do you believe that in a few short weeks a yoga studio will exist on El Paseo? You can kind of see it… behind the orange tape and the city officials poking around to ensure everything is up to code. But you can’t touch, feel, hear or really experience any of it yet. Through email, yes. Social media, sure. But it’s not really real yet. Yet! Operative word here, folks!

Coming Soon, Yoga Studio in Palm Desert El Paseo

So many of you do believe! So many of you who barely know me have the utmost blind faith that Soul Dive Yoga will be up and running in just a few short weeks. You believe there is a need, you’re hungry for your yoga home and you know in your soul we’ll stand the test of time. You know who really believes? Mike does.

Who’s Mike? Mike is an Uber driver that after hearing me talk about Soul Dive immediately started making payments for his membership. Mike knew me for roughly 10 minutes and had an unquestioned knowing that Soul Dive is a reality. He didn’t need to see it to believe it. The very next morning (we’re talking back in March!), his first installment came through. Mike is a believer and Soul Dive’s very first (non-family) member. My gratitude for Mike is endless. He’s fired up and ready to go, counting down the days until he can land in his new yoga home.

In case you’re wondering, Mike isn’t alone. He’s in great company with fellow believers at the ready with their yoga mats. But one thing I’ve noticed in this whole process is a hesitation around commitment. This isn’t online dating, ya’ll. This is your life! Your health! Your soul’s wellbeing! Sure, one could make the argument that committing to me, a perfect stranger to some, could be coined as foolish. Committing to a practice you’ve never done before feels intimidating, scary even. Committing to a small business on the heels of a pandemic feels like a questionable investment. While I see your points, I would like to invite you to see it differently.

Yoga in Joshua Tree, Soul Dive Yoga

Soul Dive is arriving with the intention of breathing new life into a community, showing our people how to breathe new life into themselves and offering a place for us to gather and simply be. We are invited to show up in the space as simply as we can to move, sweat, breath, pray, meditate, connect, evolve and do all the other wonderful things that will unravel in the space. Soul Dive is inviting you to let go of what’s holding you back and dive into the deep. You are invited to commit to a regular practice, to a self-care ritual, to time on your mat, to breathwork, movement and the beauty of yoga.

My commitment to you: Soul Dive is as much mine as it is yours. This space is created for all to share in the wonder and glory. My job is to build it. Yours is to come.

Soul Dive Yoga, El Paseo Construction

We are opening with some exciting offerings!

Our first Soul Dive Weekender Retreat October 20-23: Equanimity Beneath the Surface Reserve your spot!

200 Hour Teacher Training Immersion

Have you met our teachers? Schedule is live!

Are you ready? Join today. Afterall, it’s good for your soul…

Want to pay less? Email me. Direct payments save a few bucks.

Oh… and we passed the city’s inspection, concrete is poured, door goes in TODAY and we anticipate possession in a week!

With a big ready open heart,

Alex Sabbag Soul Dive Yoga

On Your Mark…


Breakthroughs & Breakdowns