Going Solo—Movement, Connection, and Evolution - Soul Dive Yoga

What's your business, and who are your customers?

Soul Dive Yoga is a boutique yoga studio located on El Paseo in the heart of Palm Desert, California. We welcome yogis of all ages and abilities to experience a deeper mind-body connection through movement, breath, and soulful connection.

Tell us about yourself

I have been practicing yoga for nearly 20 years. It wasn't until the last decade yoga took over as my primary form of exercise. During the summer of 2018, yoga's higher power really stuck. I became a caregiver to my fiancé, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer on my 33rd birthday. I completely lost myself; during this experience, I realized just how unprepared we as humans are for life. Yoga became my form of respite amidst the chaos, and it was then I decided I wanted to learn more. Over the course of the last 4 years, I made a commitment to share the practice of yoga and help people prepare, or as I like to say, get ready, to cope with life! Soul Dive was born out of my experience and exists as a space for people to simply come as they are and take what they need. From nourishing yin and restorative practices to powerful vinyasa, we have something for every single body.

What's your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

Soul Dive Yoga is my second entrepreneurial venture. I started my former business, AM Consulting when I was 25. In both businesses, I have employed and mentored many young women. I am committed to supporting women to grow in their fields. I strongly feel that owning a business enables practitioners to share their gifts and grow in their craft. Additionally, both of my businesses have been created to serve. With Soul Dive, I've built a space for people to show up simply as they are and take precisely what they need. Self-care is essential for living a healthy life. It's time we rewrite the story and get comfortable with putting our own needs first before showing up for others.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

I've learned many lessons as a business owner. First, your friends are the last to come and support you. Don't rely on them in any way, shape, or form. Second, people really are one breath away from losing their shit. Don't sweat it; keep your intentions pure, and keep living out your purpose. Third, No one will love or care about your business as much as you do. Set realistic expectations for your leadership team, and be patient as you bring them up to speed with your vision. Good people will find you; remember, they require nurturing just as your concept did at inception.

What are the top tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

Fear is one of life's greatest inhibitors. While I think it is smart to be cautious, eventually, you've got to lean in and give it a go. Remember, you are not for everyone, and everyone will not like you. The sooner you get comfortable with that concept, the easier it will be to put yourself out there. Authenticity trumps all. Show up as you, be honest, forthcoming, and above all else, walk your talk. After all, you chose this work. Show people who you are, and they will loyally support you through it.

Where can people find you and your business?

Website: https://www.souldiveyoga.com/
Instagram (Company): https://www.instagram.com/souldiveyoga/
Instagram (Personal): https://www.instagram.com/alexsabbag/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexsabbag1/

Full link to story: https://gosolo.subkit.com/soul-dive-yoga/


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