Knock Knock…

Door, blockage between one side and another, metaphorical gateway to opportunity

Dear Soul Dive Family,
They say when one door closes another opens. I know this to be true in my life. I was fired from my last job, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit my ego cringes every time I share that… but like many entrepreneurs who came before me, getting fired was one of the best things that has happened in my life. If doors symbolize choice, and choice is both something we decide for ourselves or is decided for us, then I have nothing but gratitude for the proverbial door slamming in my face. It left me with this: Soul Dive couldn’t just be an idea anymore, it had to be real. After all, I was unemployed and to date, I have never had a formal job interview…

The cherry on top of the whole situation is this: At the time I was fired, I had the lease for the studio already in my inbox, waiting to be reviewed. Cue the chills…

While this is essentially how Soul Dive came to be, I firmly believe the seeds of this opportunity have been planted for years, the right timing just hadn't been revealed yet. Warning friends: when divine timing hits, it doesn’t matter if you’re ready. Thankfully, I was ready (or as ready as one can be to open a business post-pandemic in a brand new city).

Sketch of Soul Dive Yoga in Palm Desert | Best Yoga Studio | Coachella Valley | Palm Desert | Soul Dive Yoga

Soul Dive Yoga’s Soon to Be Entrance on El Paseo in Palm Desert

Lately I’ve felt like I’m living in a proverbial pinball machine bouncing up, over, back and around while allowing the plan for Soul Dive to reveal.

I never thought I would spend this much time talking about doors. Never! But alas, here I am, and here we are on the precipice of experiencing Soul Dive Yoga in real life and wouldn’t you know it, a door is what’s holding us up.

I was doing a little research about doors and learned that Pastor Rick Warren (global strategist, theologian, philanthropist and founder of had spent the better part of a year researching what the bible said about doors (they are mentioned over 400 times, by the way). If I’m still talking about this darn door a year from now, send help!

An anecdote from his summary*… doors can be entrances or exits. They can be a bridge to something great or a barrier. They can represent acceptance or rejection.

The lessons surrounding the metaphorical meaning of a door are endless. I’ve sat with the notion that this door is both a gateway to my biggest opportunity and a shield of protection… that it will open at just the right time. A real life divine timing moment. My patience, trust and financial health are all being challenged by this door. And yes, I’ve thrown toddler-style fits along the way.

The physical door is a literal roadblock to our opening and currently I’m sitting in the liminal space, the space between this side and that side learning as much as I can in what feels like yoga purgatory. It is the transitional process of crossing over, the here and there, the before and after, the beginning and the end. Oh how cliche, but it is the journey friends and what a journey it has been… I know we all have one, and I can’t wait to make Soul Dive the space for your yoga and life journeys to flourish. I’ve shared a bit about mine and would invite you to take a deep dive if you haven’t already! Until then… let’s celebrate the small victories…

Roll Out the Pink Carpet

Our new website is LIVE!

We have our business license

Soul Dive is hosting a 200-hour Teacher Training in January, 2023! 

Founding Memberships are still available!

And the most relevant… To the door that still remains shut even though I have the paperwork and the permits to crossover! Stick with me… we are opening soon, I promise you that. In the meantime, I’ll keep knockin’!

Best Yoga Studio | Coachella Valley | Palm Desert | Soul Dive Yoga
Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Small Victories


It's My Birthday - Flow Me the Money