Delicious Ambiguity

Plunging fully into the depths of the spirit to nourish the soul

Dear Soul Dive Family,

Ambiguity is delicious. Gilda Radner said it best… “life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next…”

Delicious ambiguity.

I can tell you this. I have absolutely no idea what the next few months look like. On the heels of a pandemic and on the cusp of a recession, there is no guarantee outside of uncertainty. Amidst all of the noise I can tell you this: Soul Dive Yoga will exist as a home away from home for so many to cultivate breath, embrace movement, and evolve together as a community.

Whether you consider this a save the date or formal invitation to go into the deep, my intention is to start building the Soul Dive Yoga Community before we even set foot in the room. I’ve come to realize, while some are familiar with the concept of a yoga studio, many have no idea what Soul Dive really means or how I arrived here. But before I tell you a little bit about my own journey into the deep, let's review the brass tax.

There are only 6 Founding Memberships remaining! $5,000 for 5 years of yoga, workshops and more. For those who need some fast math, that's just $83/month! More details below.

My Journey Into the Deep

This June 16th - my birthday - marks 4 years since the person I loved the most on this earth, my fiance Matt, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. It was the major life event that lifted the mirror to my face and begged the question of who I am and what I want to do in this life. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of Matt and what we experienced in our relationship’s infancy.

On that day nearly 4 years ago, I became a caretaker. Being a caretaker showed me compassion, taught me the hard lesson of surrender (wish I’d learned that one sooner!) and gave me the experience of how powerful unconditional love can be despite the most crippling circumstances. My soul was ripped to shreds and I withered my way down to a small fraction of the woman I was before Matt got sick. I was emotionally and physically depleted, living in constant fight or flight (of which is still very real) and was completely unable to cope with everyday life.

The only place I could go to feel ‘at home’ was yoga. Bare Feet Power Yoga in Chicago’s West Loop was my saving grace. It was during the summer of 2019 yoga’s higher power struck and became more than just my workout. During that time I couldn’t so much as flow through a vinyasa or hold a warrior 2 for any amount of time. But I could simply be, it was the place that met me just where I was. There was something greater about the practice and I wanted to know more, how does yoga really work? So I dove in, headfirst into the depths of my being. The practice of yoga, physical and otherwise, was how I healed. For the better part of a year I completely retracted from the world I knew and went into my own trenches. The process is now lovingly known as my Soul Dive.

It was very clear that I had to break apart to rebuild, and that I did. My journey to discover who I am leads me to this moment. The moment I finally feel home, despite not having one of my own here (yet) and most importantly, the moment I finally feel like I’m doing what I was put here to do.

Gilda’s quote began with this: “I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle and end," and continues with, “life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next…”

Delicious ambiguity.

I can’t wait to open the doors to Soul Dive Yoga and start living and breathing all the yoga. In the meantime, we’ve got our work cut out for us and welcome the support of our community to help make it happen. We have eight Founding Member spaces available! While uncertainty swirls around us, I can guarantee memberships will never be available at this price point… Inquire here.

Soul Dive Yoga’s Founding Member Program

We have established a Soul Dive Founding Member program designed to bring abundance to our business and offer some incredible perks to all who join. The average rate for monthly yoga in the Coachella Valley is $150/month. Joining SDY as a Founding Member locks you in at just $83/month. We invite you to impart upon your own soulful act of bravery and join us today! Details about our Founding Member program can be found here.

Go with the Flow

Tap It Cycle & Best Yoga Studio in Coachella Valley & Palm Desert

In the meantime, there are many ways to start flowing with me before we open!

Soul Dive Yoga + Tap It Cycle
Saturdays: Tap it Flow @ 10:45 am
Wednesdays: Cycle + Restore @ 5:30 pm
And don't forget to check both Tap It Cycle and Soul Dive's Instagrams for pop-up classes along the way.
Book here!

Private Sessions with Soul Dive Yoga
Book a private session or group yoga session to take place in your home: $200 / hour or $120 / for Founding Members. Inquire here.

Please help us spread the gospel! Forward to friends and family - locals and visitors alike - so they can stay up to date with all things Soul Dive. And remember to follow us on Instagram @souldiveyoga.

I’ve embraced the unknown and am riding high on pure faith. I hope you’ll say yes to your own soulful journey with us at Soul Dive Yoga.

Big love,

Alex Sabbag | Founder | Best Yoga Studio in Coachella Valley & Palm Desert

It's My Birthday - Flow Me the Money


New Beginnings + Founding Members + Debut Partnerships